July 9th, found the Fling family flying toward the land that we love. We were excited to see God's hand at work in our lives. The flights went well and we landed on July 10th in Lima, Peru. We laid our exhausted boy in a restaurant booth to sleep, ordering coffee at a nearby table in the hopes that they wouldn't ask him to be moved (many Peruvians were scattered about sleeping on the airport floor). Thus began the 5+ hour wait for Michele's mother to arrive. By 8 a.m. our friend Marco's car and a taxi were bursting with suitcases and tired Americans. We swerved, dodged, and bumped our way to a hotel where we unknowingly would live for a month. After unloading everything to the 7th floor, we left immediately to buy items for bathing, safe drinking, and eating. By the time we fell exhausted into bed Friday evening we had been going for over 42 hours without sleep.
4 years almost to the day that we arrived home from Peru, God's hand was sending us forth again.
Our exhausted Samuel sleeping in the Lima airport.
Many had expressed that maybe God would miraculously and quickly give us a home like He did the first time we moved to Peru. We did not know the HOW'S but we were assured through prayer it would be HIS hand directing us. Within two days of arriving in Peru, we were introduced to our new landlords, Wilfredo and Janeth, while visiting Marco's church. Wilfredo and Janeth took us to their apartment to see it and though small, we felt that we were to accept this place. It was furnished with appliances and different items of furniture. This would greatly cut down on our set up costs. Also Janeth was desirous of having renters that she could trust, for they were being taken advantage of by the previous renters who were seriously delinquent. When she realized that we could not afford the price she normally received, she lowered the rent to just cover her mortgage payment to the bank. The long wait came from the process of removing the non-paying renters. Trying to exist in one hotel room filled with suitcases and purchased necessities can become stressful quickly. However through it all we felt His Hand at work and with joy and much appreciation entered our apartment the night of August 5th.

Breakfast and Dining Room Nooks....we are 17 floors up!!
Many had asked us, "What ministry will you be doing? Do you have a church? Do you know anybody?" Bryon had clearly felt God impress him to go to be a friend and disciple people. We arrived on Friday, by Sunday morning we were sitting in a church service with our new friend Marco. Marco, who is an engineer, was saved 4 yrs. ago after a terrible work accident that crushed his face. They attend a modern evangelical church. As we sat down in the church with he and his family, we wondered what impact we could have on his life. Then right there, he turned to Bryon and asked, "What is sanctification?" Our hearts were overjoyed to be able to share what God can do in a surrendered life. Marco and his family have lovingly helped us in so many ways. They have entertained us in their home and opened their home to us any time we need a place to stay, celebrated Bryon's birthday with us, and written up the letter asking for permission for Michele to enter the women's prison. God's hand has given 3 feeling very alone missionaries wonderful friends.

Wonderful times in Marco & Sabrina's home. We want to be a blessing and shine for Jesus to them.
We feel that God's hand has been at work practically laying paths of ministry at our feet. We came not knowing where to begin. In less than 6 weeks we have had a home service with three families present that are interested in a holiness church in their district, visited the prison to find out the requirements for services, visited with a young woman named Martha that is desirous of having a holiness church in her district (2 hrs away from the others that are interested in a church), entertained in our home while answering multiple spiritual questions, and traveled 13 hours north by invitation for 5 days and tried to be a blessing to those we came in contact with there.
A couple of weeks ago a very God appointed meeting was orchestrated by God's hand. We had walked to a new area that we never had visited before to try a restaurant we hadn't eaten in before. However, we were not enjoying ourselves in this restaurant because of some of the entertainment that was there and were just desirous of leaving. My mother took Samuel outside and was waiting for us to settle the check. We just couldn't understand why it was taking so long to get our food put in boxes and to pay the check. When we finally got outside my mother stated that she now needed to use the restroom and so we waited longer. All of this waiting was to ensure that God's hand was moving the meeting into place. Up the sidewalk coming at a brisk pace was our Bible School graduate Juan. We were in shock in a city of more than 10 million (they've told us that Peru's census now states 13 million in Lima) that we were looking at someone we had known long ago. Juan didn't know we were in Lima and we didn't know that he and his entire family lived in Lima. He had overslept and had raced to get on his 1 hour bus ride to make it to work....where to work?.....you guessed it, the very restaurant we so wanted to leave, but kept being hindered by God. Though it appears Juan has fallen away from God he was open to a home service and his parents and grandfather attended the service. Please pray that God will help us to shine for him amongst brethren that need encouragement in the Lord. They have discussed desiring a church and we are needing your prayers as we continue house services with them.

A God Moment Encounter with Juan
House service with Juan's family
Juan's grandfather
Martha's visit....she wrote to me last night that reading the Bible wasn't enough, she really wants to hear the Word of God preached again. Pray that a service can be held in her district this Sunday.
Our landlords are newly saved and hungry to know and understand more about God. The other day we got in the car with Janeth and she immediately began asking questions about God. Last Saturday she and her daughter Hannah came for lunch and the entire time was spent answering her spiritual questions. She has a very hungry and tender heart. Please pray that God's hand will continue to be at work in their lives. We have been invited to be a part of the Bible Study in their home.
Our wonderful landlords Wilfredo and Janeth. They have hungry hearts and are full of questions about their new walk with Jesus.
Wilfredo & Janeth have opened their home, the use of their vehicles, and so much more to show their love. They texted us the other night to say, "In such short time you feel more like family than just friends."
As you can see our less than 6 weeks in Peru have been packed full of God's blessings. We give HIM all the glory for every advancement in HIS Kingdom. We are here to be His hands extended, reaching out to the oppressed, and glory in the truth that in all that is done, it is HIS HAND AT WORK!
Your Missionaries for Jesus in Peru