As we have traveled around Bryon and I have told stories of all the unusual items we have eaten in Peru. I have explained about a trip to the mountains where the fatted cow was killed for a wedding feast. We would eat on that cow all week as it aged beautifully on the line in the sun with the flies. As the meat "ages" they just began to fry it longer and longer. I've explained how you feel a urge to apologize to your food since you have to look face to face with it many times while eating it.
Well I found the pics that I mention in our deputation services. Looking lovely eh? :P
Tired and just waiting to be fed, but who did I say was sitting right beside me? Ha...some of you remember!
Yep, staring at me accusingly. You just have to apologize and go on and enjoy him or go hungry! The part of looking face to face with what I eat I might not be looking forward to too much! :)
oh Wow Michelle! Bless ya'll's hearts! We thought facing the fish eggs in Russia was bad... we had in made!